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archivio di venezia


multi-purpose recreational facility // hyper veniceness

team lead michael young & kutan ayata

with yazeed alamasi, sahil rattha singh, beyza zeynep kirazoglu, and bella saralpova

venice studio: melbourne

january 2022

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voted venice studio melbourne people's choice award

Our project investigates the didactic relationship between the existing realities of the Venetian context while simultaneously documenting, exploring, and experimenting with the medium of an existing data-driven digitized Venice, which directly impacts the perception of the built environment and its urban context. Venice has been re-represented in many ways throughout thoughts, drawings, or media. The perception of Venice is a veil of information throughout cyberspace, resulting in an architectural and historical paradise marred with environmental concerns such as rising sea waters and flood surges. Using the media and information available to us, we imprinted and infused this information within the confines of the existing sports facility to create a new aesthetic of sublime and hyper Veniceness. Baths, galleries, and multipurpose are scattered throughout the new spatial conditions, resulting in an interweaved public ruin-like paradise.

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By manipulating the information of 3d scanned environments, and recontextualizing the data and scanned imagery of the existing building informs the design of the new form, represents an agency in which architects can use these new technologies in scanning and manipulated media, to best serve architectural interests in the process of discovering new architectural forms and representations. 

The project seeks to evoke a sense of urgency and timelessness through manipulation, inversion, symbolism, and documentation of data-driven facets defined by its urban fabric while creating moments of speculation through its historic intricacies resulting in new contextual bound architectural anomalies of tomorrow. 

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While working with existing conditions through documentation, we asked ourselves a few questions. What does a ghostly cloud of points transform into in reality?  How do points determine the position and organization of masses in space? These issues that arise when working with information pushed us to rethink the emerging spaces. The points penetrate into the inner space, creating a synthesis of volume, mass, and information. Clusters of points are also material and they affect the organization of space. They have different characteristics, ranging from color to shape. The plasticity and flexibility of this component allow you to create a variable image of architecture, where the point is the main and fundamental component of the structure and form. 


We re-represented the city as if we are collecting images from our memories with its ghosted effect. The resolution of the 3D scanned image of Venice with its shadows and uncertain spaces, questioned the idea of the poche. But is this new reality credible? With all the realism of the spatial data obtained, the images create novel distortions, at moments the information disappears, in which they create new aesthetic and conceptual images, wavering between abstraction and realism. 


By manipulating the information of 3d scanned environments, and recontextualizing the data and scanned imagery of the existing building informs the design of the new form, represents an agency in which architects can use these new technologies in scanning and manipulated media, to best serve architectural interests in the process of discovering new architectural forms and representations. 

The project seeks to evoke a sense of urgency and timelessness through manipulation, inversion, symbolism, and documentation of data-driven facets defined by its urban fabric while creating moments of speculation through its historic intricacies resulting in new contextual bound architectural anomalies of tomorrow. 

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